What are the playground games and activities suitable for toddlers and preschoolers?

What are the playground games and activities suitable for toddlers and preschoolers?

What are the playground games and activities suitable for toddlers and preschoolers?


When we design playground games and activities for toddlers and preschoolers, we need to take into account their age characteristics, physical development and safety factors. Here are some playground games and activities suitable for toddlers and preschoolers that I have collected. The specific operations of the games are as follows.

1. Teamwork games

Little white rabbits drill caves
Purpose: To develop children's ability to quickly change directions after listening to signals and cultivate the spirit of unity and cooperation.
Operation: Divide the children into two or three groups. Each group of children holds hands to form a cave, and the other group of children plays the role of little white rabbits. At the beginning of the game, the little white rabbits sing and dance. When the teacher shouts "wolf is coming", the little white rabbits compete to drill the cave. Those who have not drilled into the cave need to perform a show. Afterwards, the two groups of children exchange roles and continue the game.

Paste sesame cakes
Purpose: To cultivate children's ability to cooperate with each other and the agility of chasing and running.
Operation: The children form a circle, one person is the one who pastes the sesame cakes, and the other one chases. When being chased, the person who is sticking the pancake can stick to anyone in the circle. The person being stuck needs to run away immediately. If caught, the roles will be exchanged to continue the game.

2. Chasing and running games

Purpose: Practice chasing and running, cultivate children's agility and habit of abiding by rules.
Operation: Children are scattered on the field and move freely, listen to the teacher count, and shout "Ice" when counting to 10, and all children remain still. Then the teacher says "The ice has melted", and the children continue to move freely, and repeat this.

Eagle Catches Chicken
Purpose: Exercise children's reaction ability and teamwork ability.
Operation: One person plays the eagle, one person plays the mother chicken, and the rest of the children play the chickens. The chickens pull the mother chicken's clothes, the eagle goes to catch the chickens, the mother chicken protects the chickens, and the eagle can only catch the last chicken.

3. Jumping games

Hopping grid
Purpose: Exercise leg muscles and jumping ability.
Operation: Draw some grids and a string of beads on the ground. Children jump on the grids in the order of the numbers in the grids. If the beads fall on or outside the line, they will be sent off.

Bunny Moving
Purpose: Improve children's jumping ability and balance ability.
Operation: Children play the role of bunnies, clamp balloons or sandbags with their knees, jump from the starting point to the end point, and the first one to arrive wins.

4. Throwing games

Throwing balls into baskets
Purpose: Exercise children's throwing and visual ability.
Operation: Stick animal heads on a large paper box. Children stand at a certain distance and throw the ball into the paper box. The one with the most hits wins.

Passing game
Purpose: Cultivate children's team spirit and cooperation ability.
Operation: Children stand in various ways, pass the ball from the top of their heads, or pass the ball under their legs, pass the ball left and right, pass the ball while running, etc. During the passing process, children need to keep the formation together to ensure that the ball does not fall to the ground.

5. Balance games

Newspaper walking
Purpose: Exercise children's balance and coordination ability.
Operation: Children stand on a large newspaper in pairs, and the winner is determined by playing rock-paper-scissors. The loser needs to fold the newspaper in half and continue to stand on it until the newspaper cannot be folded in half.

Grain transport competition
Purpose: Exercise children's balance ability and limb strength.
Operation: Use a thin rope to pass through the bottom of the cup and put it on the child's feet. Put a number of small balls in the cup as "grain". The child transports the "grain" to the finish line and pours it into the basin. The one who transports the most "grain" within the specified time wins.

6. Other fun games

Cut watermelon
Purpose: Experience the fun of group games and improve children's reaction ability.
Operation: Children form a circle, and the teacher walks and cuts the watermelon at the children's hand holding place. When the nursery rhyme is finished, the two children whose hands the teacher's hand stops let go of their hands and pull the hands of the other children to run to the center of the circle, indicating that the watermelon is cut.

Pulling a big saw
Purpose: Exercise the children's upper arm muscle groups and cultivate a sense of rhythm.
Procedure: Two people sit opposite each other, cross their legs naturally, hold hands together, and do sawing forward and backward movements to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme.

outdoor playground